Friday, March 30, 2012

Print on back side of 1st page only

I have a SRS report that we are using as an invoice. I want to print out terms on the backside of the 1st page. Is this possible? Any ideas on how to go about doing this? I think the best way to go about doing this is to print the whole report double sided, and leave every 'even numbered' page blank expcept page 2, where the terms would print. I'm just not sure how to go about doing this in SRS.

Any help would be appreciated.


To start out with, can you be sure that content for each of the subsequent pages (page 3 and up, I mean) will be less than a page in length, with explicit page breaks between each, or does the content have to "flow" through pages 3, 4, etc without explicit page breaks? Does the content for page 1, similarly, have a known length, or can you force it to have a known length?

This is a cool problem <s>.



The report is an invoice report. Page 1 will contain some header information (logo, address, customer, etc) and then will begin to list invoice lines. More than likely these invoice lines will carry over into multiple pages depending on how many items the customer ordered. In this case, page 1 would need to print with all of my header information and as much invoice line information as will fit, then page 2 would need to print terms, then page 3 should continue where page 1 left off. Page 4 would then need to be printed blank (since we are printing double sided) and page 5 would continue where page 3 left off, etc, etc. The challenge is telling SQL, "OK, now that we are on page 2, print this instead" and then, "now that we are on page 3, continue printing."

Thanks for any help you can provide.



Page 1 - Header, and body section

Page 2 - Terms

Page 3 - Body section from page 1 continued (if needed)

Page 4 - Blank

Page 5 - Body section from page 3 continued (if needed)

Page 6 - Blank

Page 7 - Body section from page 5 continued (if needed)

Page 8 - Blank

etc, etc


>> No explicit page breaks

That's what I was afraid of -- makes things a little more complex, but I think it can be done... sorry for the delay in response...

OK, this is really cool. And I tried it a bunch of other ways, some of which might work and be less wierd -- but this really does work perfectly and doesn't disturb the "preview" layout at all -- it will only affect the print and PDF layout (and presumably other renderers that go to fixed page dimensions).

Here's how it works: It depends on something that usually annoys the heck out of us: the behavior of "wide" report designs in terms of page breaks for fixed page layouts such as print and PDF.

This is what you do:

1) First, figure out how you are going to separate the content of the first page from other pages and design your report with *two* tables, one for first page and one for the other pages. The first table obviously has your header while the second does not.

I did this by creating a SELECT statement that included a row number using SQL Server capabilities, because you can't filter or break by the the reporting RowNumber() function. You can do this in other environments as well -- in another thread somewhere here I show a worked example for doing it in SQL 2000 -- and you could also just use two datasets, one for each table. But in SQL 2005 it's really easy to do this:

Code Snippet

SELECT Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY Whatever) As MyRowNum,*
FROM YourData ORDER BY Whatever

2) Now you make sure you only have the right details for each table. In my example, it worked out to have these two filters. If you split your data by some other method into one dataset for each of the tables , you don't need to do this:

Code Snippet

=Fields!MyRowNum.Value <= =15 ' first table

=Fields!MyRowNum.Value > =15 ' second table

3) Design your two tables so that they fit within the normal printable page limits -- if your paper size is, for example, 8.5 * 11, you should make sure that the tables are no wider than will print properly in this normally.

4) Here's the trick: You need to make the layout (page size -- *not* interactive page size) wider than will print properly for your page set up.

Horizontally across from table #1 , you put a rectangle (or whatever) holding your Terms details for the invoice.

Horizontally across from table #2, you don't need to put anything.

The layout ends up looking something like this:

Real layout (say, 7.5") a bit of space for comfort addtl layout, forcing the break

Header information, part of Table number one, plus the details that fit on page 1

Your terms go here Table number two with the rest of your details

The extra layout you put in should not be any more than 8" wide (in the example where the page is 8.5" wide) and preferably it should be a bit less.

The result is exactly what you want and what we usually do not want but get by accident, when we design page layouts that don't fit in a fixed page size:

the terms are pushed to page 2 and each appearance of table #2, starting with page 3, gets followed by an extra blank page...

Whaddya think?


print next record in next column

I have a simple table with a few rows of data. I would like to create
a report that would print the records left to right (meaning; next
record would go into a next column and not down into the new row).
What is the best way to accomplish this?
I have a report created with two columns and the fields are in both,
but it prints out the same data twice in both columns.
Any help is greately appreciated!You may create mutli column reports which sounds like what you are looking
for... There is an example at
Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
Mariner, Charlotte, NC
(Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
community of SQL Server professionals.
"muris" <> wrote in message
>I have a simple table with a few rows of data. I would like to create
> a report that would print the records left to right (meaning; next
> record would go into a next column and not down into the new row).
> What is the best way to accomplish this?
> I have a report created with two columns and the fields are in both,
> but it prints out the same data twice in both columns.
> Any help is greately appreciated!

Print newly created report later

Hi all,

I am creating reports using crystal report in VB.NET. The reports are created successfully and can be converted to PDF and Word.

After the creation i send generated documents as email. And also have to print them.

I don't want to use Adobe/Word for the printing. I want to create .prn files for printing in the generation process.

Is there any other option which can be used to print the created report.

I can print the reports directly from crystal reports but i want to split the process in two phases
1, Generation
2, Dispatching

Looking for ideaCant you make use of Print button avaliable in the Report?|||Thanks for your reply.

But the scenario is entierly different in my case. I am using Crystal Reports as window service and the process is splited in two phases

1, Generation
2, Dispatching

One process will generate a document and then save it
the other process will print that generated document

I can generate and print in one process with out storing the file on disk. But i want to do it in two steps.

Regards|||What is the difficulty in doing this in two steps?|||The difficulty is,
I have to create a report in Step one and have to save it to the disk. Right in which format i would store it so i can again open it through crystal report and send its print?

Or is there any other format to store the generated report? SO i can print it again through crystal report.

I don't want to use MS Word or Adobe automation for printing.

Regards|||If you show the report in your application, enable print button so that you can print it from CR|||Madhi
Thanks for the reply but i think you are not getting the issue which i am facing.
My application runs as Windows Service it has no GUI.
Also first i have to create a report , save it to the disk. The other process will print that saved report file.

I can save the report in pdf, word and other suported formats but to print pdf i have to use Adobe or to print word i need MS Word. Which i don't want.

I directly want to print the saved file.

Regards|||Well. Which front end application are you using?|||There is no such Front End.

The request is submitted to the data base and the application checks the data base for any new request.

On the new request it generates the report and stor/export in specific format also updates the data base.

The other application picks the stored documents/files and prints then, email or fax them then again update the database.

Email and Faxing is working well but the print is creating problem as i described in my previous reply.|||See if you are able find solution here

Print Name (field from dataset) On Every Page (Page Header)


I am using the ReportViewer control and Client-Side Processing to display a Training Report that works great.

However, I need find a way to have one of the fields of my dataset display on every page of the report (Page Header).

I receive this message "The Value expression for the textbox FName refers to a field. Fields cannot be used in page headers or footers".

Is there a way to get this field to appear on every page of the report (preferably at the top).

Thanks for any help that you can provide me.

This is easy all what you need to to is to add ne parameters which get his value from your dataset fileds and then use this parameters in your page header or footer read this turtorial it will help you

read the section titled " Assigning report parameter values using consolidated fields "



I told the answerin different post ( ), but repeat it for you

you should define a Parameter for your report from Layout section ,then ( right click insome empty place in outeside of your report table, you'll see a context menu with 4 Items , select the Report Parameter) ,then create a Textbox inside your Header or Footer , then rightclick onthe textbox and and select Expression , then put the followingcode in it .


goodluck ,|||

I appreciate the help. I am not quite sure what to do when setting up the Report Parameters to fill this textboxt with the field from my dataset. Would you mind giving me a little guidance in this area?

I am getting the message A Value expression used for the report parameter 'Name' refers to a field. Fields cannot be used in report parameter expressions.

Thanks again!


ok ,

let me describe it for you

there is 2 different type of value in reporting server ,

1 ) the filed that you provide by DataBase that will display like Filelds!DBFiledName.Value

2 ) the filed that you provide by getting information fromuser or from yourexisting Query this type of values called Parameters and will display asParameters!ReportFooterParameterName.Value

when you want to show oneparameter inHeader orFooter ,you can't useFields it means all the textbox that you put in header / footer , shouldcomplete byParameters ,

for sending parameters to header or footer , you have2 option ,

Take it FromUser or programmatically fill the Parameter , in commonly uses , we set the parameters Programatically , like

@.myParameter = "hello world!"

when I use the myParameter in Header, itwill display thehello world! ,

but if youuse the Fields inHeader or Footer it cousean error thatyou taken it .

for sending a parameter to your header , pleaseread the post above ,

Thank you , 7 Goodluck

Print Multiple Documents with VS2005 Local Report

Hello all.
I have a document (that could be for example an invoice) that was done with
VS2005 Local Report. This document is exported to PDF in the application
(with response.OutputStream.Write).
Now I want to be able to print multiple documents (for example invoices), by
generating a PDF with all the documents selected by the user.
I can generate as many local reports as i want to with the desired data. But
how can i export them to a single PDF file?
I will appreciate any comments.I am trying to do this also -- except printing, does anyone have any
suggestions? I can call the report over and over again, but then I get a
print dialog for each iteration of the report.
"Orlando" wrote:
> Hello all.
> I have a document (that could be for example an invoice) that was done with
> VS2005 Local Report. This document is exported to PDF in the application
> (with response.OutputStream.Write).
> Now I want to be able to print multiple documents (for example invoices), by
> generating a PDF with all the documents selected by the user.
> I can generate as many local reports as i want to with the desired data. But
> how can i export them to a single PDF file?
> I will appreciate any comments.|||Just to say that I solved this problem by redesigning my local reports to
support multiple documents.
I couldn't find another way to do this.
"Joel" wrote:
> I am trying to do this also -- except printing, does anyone have any
> suggestions? I can call the report over and over again, but then I get a
> print dialog for each iteration of the report.
> Thanks!
> "Orlando" wrote:
> > Hello all.
> >
> > I have a document (that could be for example an invoice) that was done with
> > VS2005 Local Report. This document is exported to PDF in the application
> > (with response.OutputStream.Write).
> >
> > Now I want to be able to print multiple documents (for example invoices), by
> > generating a PDF with all the documents selected by the user.
> >
> > I can generate as many local reports as i want to with the desired data. But
> > how can i export them to a single PDF file?
> >
> > I will appreciate any comments.

Print Multiple Copies

Is there any way to send a quantity to the print que to deterimine the
number of copies to print?
I need to deliver a copy of a report to each department that is
reflected on areport. Let's say for example, I have a report that has
3 departments with line items to be produced by each department, can
query the count of departments and send this count to the print que to
get this report to print three copies?
This report is being developed in SRS2000.
Thanks to all who respond!On Apr 26, 11:35 am, ba_wvu <> wrote:
> Is there any way to send a quantity to the print que to deterimine the
> number of copies to print?
> I need to deliver a copy of a report to each department that is
> reflected on areport. Let's say for example, I have a report that has
> 3 departments with line items to be produced by each department, can
> query the count of departments and send this count to the print que to
> get this report to print three copies?
> This report is being developed in SRS2000.
> Thanks to all who respond!
As far as I know, there is not an option to do this. That said, you
can group by Department as part of the table/matrix control and select
'Page break at end' as part of the grouping properties. That way you
would only need to print one copy and each Department would print on
its own page(s). Hope this helps.
Enrique Martinez
Sr. Software Consultant|||if the departments are fixed,then what you can do is to create a subscription
and give the dept ids. so it reaches all the dept.
See if you can use this, if possible.
"ba_wvu" wrote:
> Is there any way to send a quantity to the print que to deterimine the
> number of copies to print?
> I need to deliver a copy of a report to each department that is
> reflected on areport. Let's say for example, I have a report that has
> 3 departments with line items to be produced by each department, can
> query the count of departments and send this count to the print que to
> get this report to print three copies?
> This report is being developed in SRS2000.
> Thanks to all who respond!
>|||Thank you both for your responses. In a response to your comments - I
currently have the report page breaking on the grouped departments,
but the floor manager wants to see all items, not just a particular
departments items, on the shop order. And the departments are not
always fixed, orders can always have different departments. So I'm a
little stuck. Any additional comments/responses are appreciated.

Print Multi table report with a range of parameters.

We have a work order print that is called from a web page using a URL. The
print consists of 4 tables. All of the recordsets use the same parameters
but come from different data sets. I have a request to make it print
multiple work orders at a time.
When I use a select for multiple work orders it prints it all in one set of
tables but I want a seperate set of tables for each work order. Is there a
way to group the tables together?
Any other ideas?You need to use a list control, and if your reports are in RS 2000, you need
to do some hand editing of the xml.
First create your list, then add the table which displays the actual data +
any textboxes for headings and such.
Then you mark your list, and set the Grouping property to the Work Order ID.
If you're working with RS 2005, right click on the list in the report,
choose Properties. Click on the "Edit Details Group" Button. Select "Page
Break at end". (Or start, if you want.)
If you're working with RS 2000, you need to hand edit your RDL like this:
Open the code version of the report
Find your list
In the Grouping section, add <PageBreakAtEnd>true</PageBreakAtEnd>
Your code should look something like this:
<List Name="List1">
<FontFamily>Times New Roman</FontFamily>
<Grouping Name="ListGrouping">
Save the code, and test the report. Did it work?
Kaisa M. Lindahl Lervik
"msc" <> wrote in message
> We have a work order print that is called from a web page using a URL.
> The
> print consists of 4 tables. All of the recordsets use the same parameters
> but come from different data sets. I have a request to make it print
> multiple work orders at a time.
> When I use a select for multiple work orders it prints it all in one set
> of
> tables but I want a seperate set of tables for each work order. Is there
> a
> way to group the tables together?
> Any other ideas?

Print list of tables with Identity row set to NOT FOR REPLICATION

Does anyone know if there's an SQL command i can run that will list
the tables in a database that have an identity column set to NOT FOR

Many thanks

Dan Williams."Dan Williams" <> wrote in message om...
> Does anyone know if there's an SQL command i can run that will list
> the tables in a database that have an identity column set to NOT FOR
> Many thanks
> Dan Williams.

where columnproperty(object_id(TABLE_NAME), COLUMN_NAME, 'IsIdNotForRepl') =

Simon|||Cool. Thanks for that, it worked a treat.


"Simon Hayes" <> wrote in message news:<40bf6492$>...
> "Dan Williams" <> wrote in message
> om...
> > Does anyone know if there's an SQL command i can run that will list
> > the tables in a database that have an identity column set to NOT FOR
> > Many thanks
> > Dan Williams.
> where columnproperty(object_id(TABLE_NAME), COLUMN_NAME, 'IsIdNotForRepl') =
> 1
> Simon

print list of queries, tables, views and sp

I just started a new job and 1st time on sql server, how can i print list of queries, tables, views, stored procedures and functions?What do you mean by print?
What version of SQL Server are you running? This will have an effect on the query you need to run. The below example was written for 2000

, id
, type
FROM sysobjects
WHERE type IN ('V', 'U', 'SP', 'FN')
-- v = view, u = table, sp = sproc, fn = user-defined function|||2005 Users Note:
BOL Says
Important: This Microsoft SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use catalog views instead.

Any general comments as to whether we should still be coding with sysobjects ?


GW|||We are kind of caught on the edge of the sword on this issue. Because users rarely give us enough information to know what version of SQL they are using, we tend to give them the answers that work under the largest possible set of conditions.

You are correct, using the catalog views is preferable if you are running a version of SQL Server that supports the catalog views. On a "going forward" basis, you probably ought to only use the catalog views, but on a "forum answer" I tend to stick with what will work for the largest number of people.

-PatP|||Anybody have the catalog solution to hand?

I don't get to play on much 2K5, but I am going to be taking my MCTS in it in a couple of months, so I should really get brushed up on it :p|||Play around with the view sys.objects. You should have it in no time. I think id changed to object_id, but most of the rest is the same.|||SELECT ROUTINE_TYPE, ROUTINE_SCHEMA, ROUTINE_NAME


Print Layout Settings

How can I set default print properties for a report in a ReportViewer control?

Do I have to set it by the report or by the ReportViewer?

I mean properties like A4 page, and Landscape layout?


The print properties can be defined in the RDL. The page size, width, etc.. are properties in the RDL. The layout for landscape can be pre-set by setting the width and hight to 11x8.5.

This link might help:

Print Layout feature showing black

Today I received a Windows Update that included SQL 2005 SP2. Since
that time whenever I try to use the "Print Layout" feature in
Reporting Services, it shows nothing but black. Does anyone know of a
fix for this?Here you go:
This is the new cumulative update that should fix your issue. You'll need
to follow the steps on the page to request the fix.
This is one of the bugs fixed:
50001105 After you apply SQL Server 2005 SP2, the Print Preview feature in
Reporting Services may show a solid black page.
Chris Alton, Microsoft Corp.
SQL Server Developer Support Engineer
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
> From:
> Newsgroups: microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs
> Subject: Print Layout feature showing black
> Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 13:17:24 -0700
> Today I received a Windows Update that included SQL 2005 SP2. Since
> that time whenever I try to use the "Print Layout" feature in
> Reporting Services, it shows nothing but black. Does anyone know of a
> fix for this?
>|||On Oct 4, 4:52 pm, (Chris Alton [MSFT])
> Here you go:
> This is the new cumulative update that should fix your issue. You'll need
> to follow the steps on the page to request the fix.
Thanks, Chris - that worked perfectly.|||Great. You wern't the only person I've seen that had that problem.
Chris Alton, Microsoft Corp.
SQL Server Developer Support Engineer
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
> From:
> Newsgroups: microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs
> Subject: Re: Print Layout feature showing black
> Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 07:56:08 -0700
> Organization:
> On Oct 4, 4:52 pm, (Chris Alton [MSFT])
> wrote:
> > Here you go:
> >
> > This is the new cumulative update that should fix your issue. You'll
> > to follow the steps on the page to request the fix.
> Thanks, Chris - that worked perfectly.

Print layout

Hi all!
I have a problem trying to make ma report print in LEGAL format by default.
I had set:
Interactive size to 14in, 8.5in
Page size to 14in, 8.5in
Now my report is in landscape by default wich is ok, but I can't find the
way to make it print in legal format by default instead of letter.
Someone knows how to do this?
Thanks, JulienHello Julien,
I would like to know how you configure your body size of the report.
How long did your body size plus the page header and page foot?
Based on my test, I have a report without page header/foot. And I set the
body to be 14in, 8.5in. And I could see that when I try to print the
report, it will use Legal as the format.
Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support
Get notification to my posts through email? Please refer to
Note: The MSDN Managed Newsgroup support offering is for non-urgent issues
where an initial response from the community or a Microsoft Support
Engineer within 1 business day is acceptable. Please note that each follow
up response may take approximately 2 business days as the support
professional working with you may need further investigation to reach the
most efficient resolution. The offering is not appropriate for situations
that require urgent, real-time or phone-based interactions or complex
project analysis and dump analysis issues. Issues of this nature are best
handled working with a dedicated Microsoft Support Engineer by contacting
Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) at
==================================================(This posting is provided "AS IS", with no warranties, and confers no
rights.)|||I didn't change de body size, so it's 7.25in, 0.84in
But even when I set it to 14in, 8.5in and I deploy, refresh, print. My
original paper size is set to Letter and my Print paper size is set to same
as original, so Letter.
At least the orientation is the one I want, landscape.
Can it be an incompatibility with my printer?
I'm using a Toshiba e-Studio282.
Thanks in advance.
"Wei Lu [MSFT]" <> wrote in message
> Hello Julien,
> I would like to know how you configure your body size of the report.
> How long did your body size plus the page header and page foot?
> Based on my test, I have a report without page header/foot. And I set the
> body to be 14in, 8.5in. And I could see that when I try to print the
> report, it will use Legal as the format.
> Sincerely,
> Wei Lu
> Microsoft Online Community Support
> ==================================================> Get notification to my posts through email? Please refer to
> ications.
> Note: The MSDN Managed Newsgroup support offering is for non-urgent issues
> where an initial response from the community or a Microsoft Support
> Engineer within 1 business day is acceptable. Please note that each follow
> up response may take approximately 2 business days as the support
> professional working with you may need further investigation to reach the
> most efficient resolution. The offering is not appropriate for situations
> that require urgent, real-time or phone-based interactions or complex
> project analysis and dump analysis issues. Issues of this nature are best
> handled working with a dedicated Microsoft Support Engineer by contacting
> Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) at
> ==================================================> (This posting is provided "AS IS", with no warranties, and confers no
> rights.)
>|||Hello Julien,
What about when you preview the report in the development environment?
If you click the Page Setup, What's the result?
Per my experience, this issue may caused by the incompatibility with your
printer if your printer did not support Letter.
Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
==================================================This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.|||My Printer support letter, legal, A4 and many more.
"Wei Lu [MSFT]" <> wrote in message
> Hello Julien,
> What about when you preview the report in the development environment?
> If you click the Page Setup, What's the result?
> Per my experience, this issue may caused by the incompatibility with your
> printer if your printer did not support Letter.
> Sincerely,
> Wei Lu
> Microsoft Online Community Support
> ==================================================> When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
> that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
> ==================================================> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
> rights.
>|||Hello Julien,
Could you please let me know what's the version of Reporting Services you
use? Have you applied the Services pack?
Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support
Get notification to my posts through email? Please refer to
Note: The MSDN Managed Newsgroup support offering is for non-urgent issues
where an initial response from the community or a Microsoft Support
Engineer within 1 business day is acceptable. Please note that each follow
up response may take approximately 2 business days as the support
professional working with you may need further investigation to reach the
most efficient resolution. The offering is not appropriate for situations
that require urgent, real-time or phone-based interactions or complex
project analysis and dump analysis issues. Issues of this nature are best
handled working with a dedicated Microsoft Support Engineer by contacting
Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) at
==================================================(This posting is provided "AS IS", with no warranties, and confers no
rights.)|||RS 2005
no sp applied yet
"Wei Lu [MSFT]" <> wrote in message
> Hello Julien,
> Could you please let me know what's the version of Reporting Services you
> use? Have you applied the Services pack?
> Sincerely,
> Wei Lu
> Microsoft Online Community Support
> ==================================================> Get notification to my posts through email? Please refer to
> ications.
> Note: The MSDN Managed Newsgroup support offering is for non-urgent issues
> where an initial response from the community or a Microsoft Support
> Engineer within 1 business day is acceptable. Please note that each follow
> up response may take approximately 2 business days as the support
> professional working with you may need further investigation to reach the
> most efficient resolution. The offering is not appropriate for situations
> that require urgent, real-time or phone-based interactions or complex
> project analysis and dump analysis issues. Issues of this nature are best
> handled working with a dedicated Microsoft Support Engineer by contacting
> Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) at
> ==================================================> (This posting is provided "AS IS", with no warranties, and confers no
> rights.)
>|||Hello Julien,
Could you please applied the latest Services Pack for Reporting Services?
How to obtain the latest service pack for SQL Server 2005
Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support
Get notification to my posts through email? Please refer to
Note: The MSDN Managed Newsgroup support offering is for non-urgent issues
where an initial response from the community or a Microsoft Support
Engineer within 1 business day is acceptable. Please note that each follow
up response may take approximately 2 business days as the support
professional working with you may need further investigation to reach the
most efficient resolution. The offering is not appropriate for situations
that require urgent, real-time or phone-based interactions or complex
project analysis and dump analysis issues. Issues of this nature are best
handled working with a dedicated Microsoft Support Engineer by contacting
Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) at
==================================================(This posting is provided "AS IS", with no warranties, and confers no
rights.)|||Hi ,
How is everything going? Please feel free to let me know if you need any
Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
==================================================This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.|||Julien, hi -- I have a couple of wacky questions for you...
1) What is the DEFAULT printer on your box (I know that the printer you are
printing to is the Tosh, but if this is a server-mode report, it may not be
being constructed under your user identity... you can see where I'm going
withi this) ?
2) If question #1 does not help at all, what if you created a second Tosh
printer setup in which the DEFAULT layout for that setup was legal size, and
then you printed to that second printer setup?
BTW: I've seen something similar to this. For example, I have difficulty
getting the Excel export to respect a landscape orientation in a report that
prints landscape just fine to the printer driver.
The question is figuring out which rendering component is seeing the wrong
setup information, and at what moment it's having the trouble. I think
there really is a bug here but if we understand the bug we will be able to
figure out our workarounds <shrug>.
"Julien Bonnier" <> wrote in message
> RS 2005
> no sp applied yet
> "Wei Lu [MSFT]" <> wrote in message
> news:DVkTe%233bHHA.1820@.TK2MSFTNGHUB02.phx.gbl...
>> Hello Julien,
>> Could you please let me know what's the version of Reporting Services you
>> use? Have you applied the Services pack?
>> Sincerely,
>> Wei Lu
>> Microsoft Online Community Support
>> ==================================================>> Get notification to my posts through email? Please refer to
>> ications.
>> Note: The MSDN Managed Newsgroup support offering is for non-urgent
>> issues
>> where an initial response from the community or a Microsoft Support
>> Engineer within 1 business day is acceptable. Please note that each
>> follow
>> up response may take approximately 2 business days as the support
>> professional working with you may need further investigation to reach the
>> most efficient resolution. The offering is not appropriate for situations
>> that require urgent, real-time or phone-based interactions or complex
>> project analysis and dump analysis issues. Issues of this nature are best
>> handled working with a dedicated Microsoft Support Engineer by contacting
>> Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) at
>> ==================================================>> (This posting is provided "AS IS", with no warranties, and confers no
>> rights.)

Print Issues with Reporting Services

I developed and deployed a report using Reporting Services gives you the option on the web page to print the report or export to another format. When choosing to print, I am unable to get the report to print in landscape mode on standard letter paper. What is the relationship between the margin properties (which seem to have no impact) on the report? the body of the report? and the printer?
The report size doesnt seem to matter (10 x 7.5 inches) tried changing margins here also
The body size doesnt seem to matter (9.75 x 7 inches) and here

Does the issue lie with
a) the printer properties
b) Reporting services
c) IE
Im stumped!!Sad

Hopefully, you are using the Sep. CTP or later, since there was a known issue earlier with landscape printing. After the report server was upgraded, I still had to manually delete the old RSClientPrint Class file on my PC, which was cached under the "Downloaded Program Fles" folder (RTM version is: 2005,90,1399,0).

Print is not allowed in UDF

I want to put some trace in the a UDF, so I put print in the function. IT gave error. Can anyone please explain why this happen. But this work with SPs.




this is just simply one of the limitations UDFs take, like not being able to execute something via EXEC or executing a SP in common, or using GETDATE() in functions...

HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.

Print in Trigger Statements.....

SQL Server books online has 'print' statements in the trigger examples.
Where exactly the print will happen? How to get benefit of this while
You can make execution visible in the query analyzer, can print out some
information about filled variables, rowcounts, status of transactions etc.
While debugging you can also watch the value of the variable with the
properties pane.
HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.
"Jessy Martin" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> SQL Server books online has 'print' statements in the trigger examples.
> Where exactly the print will happen? How to get benefit of this while
> debugging?
> Thanks,
> Jessy

Print in Trigger Statements.....

SQL Server books online has 'print' statements in the trigger examples.
Where exactly the print will happen? How to get benefit of this while
JessyYou can make execution visible in the query analyzer, can print out some
information about filled variables, rowcounts, status of transactions etc.
While debugging you can also watch the value of the variable with the
properties pane.
HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.
"Jessy Martin" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> SQL Server books online has 'print' statements in the trigger examples.
> Where exactly the print will happen? How to get benefit of this while
> debugging?
> Thanks,
> Jessy

Print in Trigger Statements.....

SQL Server books online has 'print' statements in the trigger examples.
Where exactly the print will happen? How to get benefit of this while
JessyYou can make execution visible in the query analyzer, can print out some
information about filled variables, rowcounts, status of transactions etc.
While debugging you can also watch the value of the variable with the
properties pane.
HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.
"Jessy Martin" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> SQL Server books online has 'print' statements in the trigger examples.
> Where exactly the print will happen? How to get benefit of this while
> debugging?
> Thanks,
> Jessy

Print in Landscape

What's the trick to get reports to correctly print in Landscape mode? Most
recent solution does print using special code, but always does an extra
blank page dump at end.To print reports in landscape mode, you have to set page size to 29,7 cm; 21
After doing this, be sure that all your report items are placed into this
size, taking into account also the margins you have configured. This is to
say that your report width can not be greater that 29,7 cm - Left margin -
Right margin. This way, you will not have extra blank pages in your report.
Hope this helps,
"Joe" <> escribió en el mensaje
> What's the trick to get reports to correctly print in Landscape mode?
> Most recent solution does print using special code, but always does an
> extra blank page dump at end.

Print in Landscape

Is possible to set a report to print in landscape by default?
ThanksSet report width larger than report height.
Brian Welcker
Group Program Manager
SQL Server Reporting Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"Mark Goldin" <> wrote in message
> Is possible to set a report to print in landscape by default?
> Thanks

Print Icono

Why in my reports dont show print icono or print button?
Help me pleaseDid you install Service Pack 2 on your server ?

print icon on toolbar

Is there defo no way of altering what happens when user clicks the print icon? I want to return msgbox before printing starts?!There is no way to change the behavior of the print button to popup a msgbox first.sql

Print Icon not working in some systems

I am using SRS2000, SP2. Print icon works pefert in most of the
systems(ALL XP), but on some systems it gives a javascript error, tried
changing couple of security settings on the browser , but with no luck.
what could be the problem?..
--VenkatDelete the report file from the client. Sorry but I do not remember the
Then it should work...
Wayne Snyder MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
Mariner, Charlotte, NC
I support the Professional Association for SQL Server ( PASS) and it''s
community of SQL Professionals.
"" wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using SRS2000, SP2. Print icon works pefert in most of the
> systems(ALL XP), but on some systems it gives a javascript error, tried
> changing couple of security settings on the browser , but with no luck.
> what could be the problem?..
> --Venkat

Print icon not showing up in RS

Has anyone ever seen the print icon not show up in the top toolbar in
Reporting Services? Normally, the print icon shows between the refresh
button and the help button. We saw one instance where the print icon
was not showing: it was just the refresh and help button together. Does
anyone know what could cause this? Is this security related? Thanks.
JustinMy guess is the user of the PC is not in the administrator's group (local
administrators group) and the activeX control is not getting installed.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
<> wrote in message
> Has anyone ever seen the print icon not show up in the top toolbar in
> Reporting Services? Normally, the print icon shows between the refresh
> button and the help button. We saw one instance where the print icon
> was not showing: it was just the refresh and help button together. Does
> anyone know what could cause this? Is this security related? Thanks.
> Justin

Print icon not available when using URL

It's possible that I am insane but shouldn't there be a print icon on the
rendered report? I am using a url but I don't think that matters. I can
print the report using the browser's print capability to print the browser
window but it will have the toolbar and parameter info on it.
Am I missing something, shouldn't there be a print icon to send the report
to the default printer?
Can I completely hide the toolbar?
Thanks for you 100 percent generous insight!
TimWith this version (hopefully with either version 2 or another service pack
what I say will not be necessary) to print (other than a screen print like
IE does) you need to export it to something like PDF and then print the PDF.
Bruce L-C
"Tim Powers" <> wrote in message
> It's possible that I am insane but shouldn't there be a print icon on the
> rendered report? I am using a url but I don't think that matters. I can
> print the report using the browser's print capability to print the browser
> window but it will have the toolbar and parameter info on it.
> Am I missing something, shouldn't there be a print icon to send the report
> to the default printer?
> Can I completely hide the toolbar?
> Thanks for you 100 percent generous insight!
> Tim

Print Icon in Report Viewer

Hi everyone,
Is there a Print Icon in the report viewer?Clicking on
which the report has to be printed.If not,Can v had our custom icons in the
report viewer.
Thanks in advance..In the Beta version of RS SP2, we now have print capability. In RS SP1 and
prior, there is no print icon and no inherent print capability.
| Thread-Topic: Print Icon in Report Viewer
| thread-index: AcT0qdnAm2wN3lTMSgOyNKnDIRjiQw==| X-WBNR-Posting-Host:
| From: "=?Utf-8?B?Q2hhbmRyYQ==?=" <>
| Subject: Print Icon in Report Viewer
| Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 03:13:01 -0800
| Lines: 6
| Message-ID: <>
| MIME-Version: 1.0
| Content-Type: text/plain;
| charset="Utf-8"
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
| X-Newsreader: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000
| Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
| Importance: normal
| Priority: normal
| X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.3790.0
| Newsgroups: microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs
| NNTP-Posting-Host: TK2MSFTNGXA03.phx.gbl
| Path: cpmsftngxa10.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGXA03.phx.gbl
| Xref: cpmsftngxa10.phx.gbl microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs:38931
| X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs
| Hi everyone,
| Is there a Print Icon in the report viewer?Clicking on
| which the report has to be printed.If not,Can v had our custom icons in
| report viewer.
| Thanks in advance..

Print Icon does not function


I display my reports through ReportViewer embedded into my ASP.Net application. The Print icon on the ReportViewer works fine on my computer but on other computers. It does not bring the window so that user select the printer. And sometimes I see "Problems with this web page might prevent it from being displayed properly"

Why does this happen and how can I resolve it for all the computers.

Jim H.

For some reason - I like you - you are always encountering a problem - which means you experiment!

Have you installed SP2 of RS?

First of all, tell me your configuration!@.

I can help!



Once again, have you installed SP2 of RS?


Print Headers issues in SSRS 2005

I have a report, with 220 records, each row heigth varies. I have set the option to repeat header on every page on. However, when I print the report, the header prints on some pages, and some it does not. For eg, on the 5 page reprot, it prints the header on pg 1, 2 and 3. Then on pg 4 it does not, then again page 5 it prints the header.

Any advise.

The layout of the report has 15 fields. I have narrowed down the issue, to 1 column eg COMMENTS.. This is a comment field(has commnets and description data, ) size of col =2 in. This field is huge, ie has lot of data..So When I Hide this field, then the Report headers prints just fine.

The minute I UNHIDE This field, the print header issues comes back , ie on some pages the header is printed , on some, where the comments are huge, the header does not print.

Pl advise.

print header on the first page only

I have a table grouped by id. The detail for a particular group can span
serveral pages.
I have 3 header lines for each group . I want to print all 3 header rows on
the first page of the group and only one of the header rows on the next pages
of the group.
Does any one know how to do this?
MarieI found a solution here.
"Marie" wrote:
> I have a table grouped by id. The detail for a particular group can span
> serveral pages.
> I have 3 header lines for each group . I want to print all 3 header rows on
> the first page of the group and only one of the header rows on the next pages
> of the group.
> Does any one know how to do this?
> --
> Marie

print header / footer on all pages?

Is there a way to print the header and footer on all pages? Also I have a
footer and the textboxes in it wont print, lines will but no text the
expressions are like this (below) any idea? they show up on screen as on the
footer but when printed are blank
="Page "+str(Globals!PageNumber)+" of "+str(Globals!TotalPages)
="Report ran on "+Globals!ExecutionTimenope, the only thing on the page right now since its a brand new report is
the header and footer and the header has a single image in it and the footer
has a line above the two text boxes of which they are 50% of the width each
and left and right aligned, no overlapping...
"William" <> wrote in message
>I dropped your expressions into text boxes on a report I am working on and
> they both displayed correctly. Are you possible overlaying your footer
> with
> another text box?
> "Smokey Grindle" wrote:
>> Is there a way to print the header and footer on all pages? Also I have a
>> footer and the textboxes in it wont print, lines will but no text the
>> expressions are like this (below) any idea? they show up on screen as on
>> the
>> footer but when printed are blank
>> textbox1
>> ="Page "+str(Globals!PageNumber)+" of "+str(Globals!TotalPages)
>> textbox2
>> ="Report ran on "+Globals!ExecutionTime
>>|||ah got it, margin sizes where off
"Smokey Grindle" <> wrote in message
> nope, the only thing on the page right now since its a brand new report is
> the header and footer and the header has a single image in it and the
> footer has a line above the two text boxes of which they are 50% of the
> width each and left and right aligned, no overlapping...
> "William" <> wrote in message
>>I dropped your expressions into text boxes on a report I am working on and
>> they both displayed correctly. Are you possible overlaying your footer
>> with
>> another text box?
>> "Smokey Grindle" wrote:
>> Is there a way to print the header and footer on all pages? Also I have
>> a
>> footer and the textboxes in it wont print, lines will but no text the
>> expressions are like this (below) any idea? they show up on screen as on
>> the
>> footer but when printed are blank
>> textbox1
>> ="Page "+str(Globals!PageNumber)+" of "+str(Globals!TotalPages)
>> textbox2
>> ="Report ran on "+Globals!ExecutionTime
>|||On Jan 12, 3:30 pm, "Smokey Grindle" <> wrote:
> ah got it, margin sizes where off
> "Smokey Grindle" <> wrote in message
> news:uhjRh0oNHHA.324@.TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> > nope, the only thing on the page right now since its a brand new report is
> > the header and footer and the header has a single image in it and the
> > footer has a line above the two text boxes of which they are 50% of the
> > width each and left and right aligned, no overlapping...
> > "William" <> wrote in message
> >
> >>I dropped your expressions into text boxes on a report I am working on and
> >> they both displayed correctly. Are you possible overlaying your footer
> >> with
> >> another text box?
> >> "Smokey Grindle" wrote:
> >> Is there a way to print the header and footer on all pages? Also I have
> >> a
> >> footer and the textboxes in it wont print, lines will but no text the
> >> expressions are like this (below) any idea? they show up on screen as on
> >> the
> >> footer but when printed are blank
> >> textbox1
> >> ="Page "+str(Globals!PageNumber)+" of "+str(Globals!TotalPages)
> >> textbox2
> >> ="Report ran on "+Globals!ExecutionTime
I am having the same problem - where the footer appears when viewing
the report, but not when printing. Could you please elaborate on how
you fixed this with margin sizes?

Print hardcopy of table structure

I've just started working with SQL Server Express, and would like to print out a report listing the properties (Ie. field names, data ttypes, length, field description, etc.) of each of the tables in my database.
How do I do this?

The best way would be to use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views and in this case the one that presents the columns definitions:


HTH, jens Suessmeyer.

|||Thanks very much for your help!

print Go in NEw line through Isql command

i have to print Go statement in new line through isql command
my isql command is
isql /Q -SServername -dDatabasename -Usa -PPassword -h-1 -n -q "set nocount on Select ' grant execute on ' + name + ' to user go ' from sysobjects where type = 'U' and name not like 'dt%'" -o SFGRants.sql >> Deploy.log

and out is like
select grant execute tablename to user go

but i want in different format like
select grant execute tablename to user

like that
thanking in anticipationUSe char(13)
isql /Q -SServername -dDatabasename -Usa -PPassword -h-1 -n -q "set nocount on Select ' grant execute on ' + name + ' to user' + char(13)+' go ' from sysobjects where type = 'U' and name not like 'dt%'" -o SFGRants.sql >> Deploy.log

When u paste the output of the this commands output to query analyzer GO will print in separate linesql

print function?

One of our user requirement is to include "Print" option to the Reporting
Manager toolbar (either inlcude in the Export to .. list or a separate
option to send the report to the printer).
Is this possible.? If possible, how? if not, what are the alternatives?
ThanksClient side printing is expected to be included in a future release. In the
current release, you can print reports from a custom app. Please see for a code sample.
Ravi Mumulla (Microsoft)
SQL Server Reporting Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"newmem" <""> wrote in message
> One of our user requirement is to include "Print" option to the Reporting
> Manager toolbar (either inlcude in the Export to .. list or a separate
> option to send the report to the printer).
> Is this possible.? If possible, how? if not, what are the alternatives?
> Thanks

print from toolbar

Hello, I have created an application using VS .Net 2003, which has a Report Viewer to include reports from my report manager.

The reportviewer has been set to include the standard toolbar, which includes the print button. However, when I use this option, the system prints more pages than it should. If the report is 2 pages long, I end up getting 6 pages, the other four having just the header and footer...(2 blanks pages after each page when port. ana 1 black after each page if landscape)

Any1 know the solution to this problem? I have not coded anything for the print option....

Thanks :)

Check the width of your reports. If it is too wide then printing it will create extra pages.


Print format of Linked Reports

Having just discovered that linked reports do not retain any print formating applied to the original report I thought I'd check out the forum and see if it was just me having a senile moment or if Microsoft had in fact dropped a clanger of massive proportion.

After reading one or two questions from other RS users it does seem as if Microsoft have stuck again and completely diminished a useful feature by stripping it of anything, well....... useful. Well done MS, you once again have my applause for mind-boggling ineptitude of what should be impossible magnitude. Ah, you've got to laugh.

Maybe this and other bugs with RS2005 will be ironed out in Microsoft Reporting Services 2008 - The Search for More Money.

I was also disappointed that linked reports did not retain the print format from the source report. Below is a link with a couple of possible work arounds.


Thanks, I did come across these when I originally searched this problem on the forum but I haven't yet had chance to read or try any of them.

Using scripts and code kind of makes me feel like I've just bought a new Jag but I'm still required to delve into the engine bay and hot-wire it because the key fails to work, if you know what I mean. In any case there doesn't seem to be any alternative so I'll have to get my fingers dirty.


Print Footer only on Last Page

I need to print a footer only on the last page of my report ? how can i do that...
in other report i have to print a part of footer(data is subset of the whole footer) and the whole footer on the last page.How can i do this
ThanksYou can conditionally hide what you don't want to see based on
Globals.PageNumber and Globals.TotalPages
For example, you could put the entire page footer into a rectangle and set
its Hidden property to:
This post is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties, and confers no rights. All
rights reserved. Some assembly required. Batteries not included. Your
mileage may vary. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear. No user
serviceable parts inside. Opening cover voids warranty. Keep out of reach of
children under 3.
"Sunny" <> wrote in message
> I need to print a footer only on the last page of my report ? how can i do
> also
> in other report i have to print a part of footer(data is subset of the
whole footer) and the whole footer on the last page.How can i do this
> Thanks
>|||Hey thanks...i saw your other reply for similar question later on.thanks anyway
"Chris Hays [MSFT]" wrote:
> You can conditionally hide what you don't want to see based on
> Globals.PageNumber and Globals.TotalPages
> For example, you could put the entire page footer into a rectangle and set
> its Hidden property to:
> =Globals.PageNumber<Globals.TotalPages
> --
> This post is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties, and confers no rights. All
> rights reserved. Some assembly required. Batteries not included. Your
> mileage may vary. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear. No user
> serviceable parts inside. Opening cover voids warranty. Keep out of reach of
> children under 3.
> "Sunny" <> wrote in message
> > I need to print a footer only on the last page of my report ? how can i do
> that...
> > also
> > in other report i have to print a part of footer(data is subset of the
> whole footer) and the whole footer on the last page.How can i do this
> >
> > Thanks
> >

Print fixed number of rows per page

I am trying to migrate an existing report / form. I am using a table
and want to print 15 rows per page - even if there are less data rows
available for my grouping. The blank rows (printed with borders) are
used to write in additional transactions throughout the day.
Any way to accomplish this? I am new to Reporting Services.
Thanks.Try this in the group expression.
Amarnath, MCTS
"jjoll" wrote:
> I am trying to migrate an existing report / form. I am using a table
> and want to print 15 rows per page - even if there are less data rows
> available for my grouping. The blank rows (printed with borders) are
> used to write in additional transactions throughout the day.
> Any way to accomplish this? I am new to Reporting Services.
> Thanks.

Print File Size

Just installed SP2 and started experimenting with the print functionality.
The size of the print jobs are huge. I had a fairly simple six page report
with a spooling size of over 100 mb, a single page over 17mb. Is there
anything that can be done to reduce this size . If not, we will not be able
to use the functionality as the network just will bog down - it is back to
printing out pdf files - which the users do not like.
Any hope of getting around this?This is the current behavior and there is no workaround. We are looking at
what we can do to make this better for the Yukon Release.
| Thread-Topic: Print File Size
| thread-index: AcVi/0NJpHDoEkgjQrGWFSnnPT784w==| X-WBNR-Posting-Host:
| From: "=?Utf-8?B?Y2hyaXM=?=" <>
| Subject: Print File Size
| Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 14:01:33 -0700
| Lines: 12
| Message-ID: <>
| MIME-Version: 1.0
| Content-Type: text/plain;
| charset="Utf-8"
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
| X-Newsreader: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000
| Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
| Importance: normal
| Priority: normal
| X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.3790.0
| Newsgroups: microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs
| NNTP-Posting-Host: TK2MSFTNGXA03.phx.gbl
| Path: TK2MSFTNGXA01.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP08.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGXA03.phx.gbl
| Xref: TK2MSFTNGXA01.phx.gbl microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs:44927
| X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs
| Just installed SP2 and started experimenting with the print
| The size of the print jobs are huge. I had a fairly simple six page
| with a spooling size of over 100 mb, a single page over 17mb. Is there
| anything that can be done to reduce this size . If not, we will not be
| to use the functionality as the network just will bog down - it is back
| printing out pdf files - which the users do not like.
| Any hope of getting around this?

Print Execution Results

Not a big deal but would be nice to print the execution results from BIDS. Looks like MS intentially won't allow you to print it. Any work-a-rounds other than screen shots?


R.K.S. wrote:

Not a big deal but would be nice to print the execution results from BIDS. Looks like MS intentially won't allow you to print it. Any work-a-rounds other than screen shots?


No I don't think so. Not a bad idea tho. Why not request it at Microsoft Connect?


Print event in ReportViewer?

Hi All,

How can I use the Print event of ReportViewer control in my web application? I am trying to print a server report automatically so that the user does not have to click on the Print button in the tool bar of the report viewer.

I came across one article that talks about the Print event -

But I could not find it in VS2005 version that I am using.

Please let me know if there is a method to print the report automatically other than exporting it to some file and printing it from there.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

I am trying Using System.Drawing.Printing, but failed!

Anyone help me!


You only get the Print event in the WinForms version of the ReportViewer control, not in the WebForms version. Perhaps you are in a web-app?

Take a look at the sample printer delivery extension that ships with the product: It will allow you to send a report to a printer without even first viewing it (although you could view it, too, if you wanted to...)


Print event in ReportViewer?

Hi All,

How can I use the Print event of ReportViewer control in my web application? I am trying to print a server report automatically so that the user does not have to click on the Print button in the tool bar of the report viewer.

I came across one article that talks about the Print event -

But I could not find it in VS2005 version that I am using.

Please let me know if there is a method to print the report automatically other than exporting it to some file and printing it from there.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

I am trying Using System.Drawing.Printing, but failed!

Anyone help me!


You only get the Print event in the WinForms version of the ReportViewer control, not in the WebForms version. Perhaps you are in a web-app?

Take a look at the sample printer delivery extension that ships with the product: It will allow you to send a report to a printer without even first viewing it (although you could view it, too, if you wanted to...)

Print Error messge


When iam trying to print the report from the application i.e winforms application, at the first time it is displaying the Security waring(pop up message)

Do you want to install the software?

Name:Microssoft Sqlserver


with Install and don't install buttons.

Once we install , from the next time printing it is not displaying this error message.

Whether it is of IE version Problem.

Thanks in advance.

What you are seeing is not an error message, but a security warning asking whether you really want to install the print control software. The printing functionality is provided by an ActiveX control, and is not built into the browser. Once it is installed on a machine, it is not necessary to install the control again (unless there is an update to the control), which is why you do not see the message again.


Print Error in RS2005

Hi All
I have 2 questions regarding the printing of the report.
1) I have an apps in which there are some links which point to
the report.when comming to the printing of the report only one user
facing the problem while printing the report from the print button icon
from the report.he is getting eror "an error occurred during
He is using other application which contain reports and he can able to
print the report from same print button.
I did search on google for this particular error and in one forum they
said to do this
1. Closed all instance of Internet Explorer.
2. Opened Windows Explorer and went to C:\Windows\Downloaded Program
3. Right clicked on RSClientPrintClass and chose "Remove"
4. Went to my Reporting Services report and tried to print
5. Said "Install" when prompted to install the Reporting Services Print
6. Printing commenced!
Am i supposed to do it on the server or else on the user PC (Kind of a
dumb question)
2) whats the purpose of the percertange box in the tool it
useful for the viewing the report by decreasing or printing the report
on a decreased percentage view.I thought by decreasing the
precentage,report size also decreases as it does if we decrease the
percentage and print it from the file menu options.
vkvHi ,
Some new problem came in to picture.I did the same thing
removing the rsprintclientcalss and installed activex it worked for the
reports that are on th rs2005.
But the application that contains reports which are on rs2000 getting
an error as "An error occured during printing. (0x80004005).
Does rs2005 print activex should work for 2000?.Are there any options
like both the versions activex controls are downloaded so that both the
versions printing works.

Print ER diagram for a database in SQL Server

Hi there,
I am a newbie to SQL Server so please bear with me if I happen to ask a
stupid question.
I am trying to print the ER diagram for our database in SQL server. In
Enterprise Manager we have an option to create the ER Diagram and then to
print it. But the problem is it prints into several pages.
I want in to print on a large paper so I could stick it to my wall. We have
a 36'x36' plotter that could print huge diagrams.
Do I have to convert it into PDF to print in on page.
Please give me some ideas.
right-click on the white background on the database
diagram and select Page Setup. You can select different
page sizes and scale ratios on this form.
Paul Ibison (SQL Server MVP)|||You might also want to create "subject" areas by creating several individual
diagrams for the functional areas of the database instead of the entire
thing in one.
Anthony Thomas
"Paul Ibison" <Paul.Ibison@.Pygmalion.Com> wrote in message
right-click on the white background on the database
diagram and select Page Setup. You can select different
page sizes and scale ratios on this form.
Paul Ibison (SQL Server MVP)

Print ER diagram for a database in SQL Server

right-click on the white background on the database
diagram and select Page Setup. You can select different
page sizes and scale ratios on this form.
Paul Ibison (SQL Server MVP)
You might also want to create "subject" areas by creating several individual
diagrams for the functional areas of the database instead of the entire
thing in one.
Anthony Thomas

"Paul Ibison" <Paul.Ibison@.Pygmalion.Com> wrote in message
right-click on the white background on the database
diagram and select Page Setup. You can select different
page sizes and scale ratios on this form.
Paul Ibison (SQL Server MVP)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Print each tables in new page Options

Hi All,

I have a report which has four tables in it. But I have only one
Dataset. Since this dataset has more then 30 fields, I have divided
this into four tables to be shown in a report. This will help the user
to take print of the report and place each print out side by side for

Showing each table in a new page is just fine. It works. But when we
take print out some times rows of second table are printed in same
page that shows rows of first table.

With this user can not put each print out side by side for view.

Is there any way to set option like print each table in new page? I
mean to say after printing first table, second table print should
start at new page.

Thanks in advance.

This is actually pretty easy (if it is what I think it is). I did this the other day with the same amount of data you are dealing with. Just get to the table's property pop-up menu and under the "General" tab click the check box next to "Insert a page break after this table". That should do the job for you. But I would suggest putting the tables directly under each other if you have manually spaced them out onto each page. This way you won't have awkward whitespace at the beginning of each page. Let me know if this helps you.|||

Thanks for the reply.

I forgot to mention one point. I have set visibility property on tables. Will this visibilty property affects how pages are printed?


|||Yes, the visibility will most likely affect your formatting. I'm assuming you're using the dynamic visibility function for each table, as opposed to just a child object of the table. In this case it is harder to give you a solution. The reason is because SSRS 2005 is not capable of dynamic table relocation. If you could give me more specifics about which objects are dynamically visible then I might be able to offer a solution to your problem.|||

The whole table visibility is set through expression based on user input.

The report has large number of fields to be shown. If user selects Print format then these four tables will be shown to user to and user can take print out of the same. If user selects export format then all fields will be shown in one table and the above mentioned 4 tables will be hidden.

But report is shown properly. All four tables are shown in new page if user selects Print option. Page break is OK. While printing, report is printed continuously. No Page breaks while printing.

Is there anyother approach to this problem?

Print directly frm PDF format

is there any ways to print the reports directly frm the web application by
rendering the reports to pdf format?
AngelaThe user will have to export the report to PDF first and then print. There
is no way for Report Manager to automate this.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"Angela" <> wrote in message
> hi,
> is there any ways to print the reports directly frm the web application by
> rendering the reports to pdf format?
> regards
> Angela|||hi,
in that case, there is no other way whereby i can call to print the report
directly from my application? because i have tried rendering my report to
html format and the print result is different from reporting services print.
because the page number is different.And i cant use the method
"&rs:Command=Get&rc:GetImage=8.00.1038.00RSClientPrint.html" because it will
promt the user the option to select printer whereby my user will print multi
reports at a click. so this will result the active x to prompt multi print
"Daniel Reib [MSFT]" wrote:
> The user will have to export the report to PDF first and then print. There
> is no way for Report Manager to automate this.
> --
> -Daniel
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
> "Angela" <> wrote in message
> > hi,
> > is there any ways to print the reports directly frm the web application by
> > rendering the reports to pdf format?
> >
> > regards
> > Angela
>|||That is correct. You would need to solve this in your application. Your
app could display EMF rather then HTML and then just print the EMF and the
user would be viewing what they would print, however you would loose
The problem with using HTML is it does not print nicely. This is why we
created the ActiveX control to print reports. The activeX control uses EMF
to print reports. Because this is a different format (different from HTML)
the pages don't always line up. RS does not expose any mechanism for
printing the current HTML page.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"Angela" <> wrote in message
> hi,
> in that case, there is no other way whereby i can call to print the report
> directly from my application? because i have tried rendering my report to
> html format and the print result is different from reporting services
> print.
> because the page number is different.And i cant use the method
> "&rs:Command=Get&rc:GetImage=8.00.1038.00RSClientPrint.html" because it
> will
> promt the user the option to select printer whereby my user will print
> multi
> reports at a click. so this will result the active x to prompt multi print
> dialog.
> regards
> Angela
> "Daniel Reib [MSFT]" wrote:
>> The user will have to export the report to PDF first and then print.
>> There
>> is no way for Report Manager to automate this.
>> --
>> -Daniel
>> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
>> rights.
>> "Angela" <> wrote in message
>> > hi,
>> > is there any ways to print the reports directly frm the web application
>> > by
>> > rendering the reports to pdf format?
>> >
>> > regards
>> > Angela
so in that case can i say i jux format my reports to EMF rather den html to
get the issue solve?
or is there an example or smaple for this calling format?
"Daniel Reib [MSFT]" wrote:
> That is correct. You would need to solve this in your application. Your
> app could display EMF rather then HTML and then just print the EMF and the
> user would be viewing what they would print, however you would loose
> interactivity.
> The problem with using HTML is it does not print nicely. This is why we
> created the ActiveX control to print reports. The activeX control uses EMF
> to print reports. Because this is a different format (different from HTML)
> the pages don't always line up. RS does not expose any mechanism for
> printing the current HTML page.
> --
> -Daniel
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
> "Angela" <> wrote in message
> > hi,
> > in that case, there is no other way whereby i can call to print the report
> > directly from my application? because i have tried rendering my report to
> > html format and the print result is different from reporting services
> > print.
> > because the page number is different.And i cant use the method
> > "&rs:Command=Get&rc:GetImage=8.00.1038.00RSClientPrint.html" because it
> > will
> > promt the user the option to select printer whereby my user will print
> > multi
> > reports at a click. so this will result the active x to prompt multi print
> > dialog.
> >
> > regards
> > Angela
> >
> >
> > "Daniel Reib [MSFT]" wrote:
> >
> >> The user will have to export the report to PDF first and then print.
> >> There
> >> is no way for Report Manager to automate this.
> >>
> >> --
> >> -Daniel
> >> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
> >> rights.
> >>
> >>
> >> "Angela" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > hi,
> >> > is there any ways to print the reports directly frm the web application
> >> > by
> >> > rendering the reports to pdf format?
> >> >
> >> > regards
> >> > Angela
> >>
> >>
> >>

print directly

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
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I would like print directly from my application to default printer = in the client pc.
how can i do it.
thnkas many thanks
* Alberto Garc=EDa S=E1nchez
* Subdirector Inform=E1tica
* Autobar Spain, S.A.
* Email:
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I would like print directly from my application to default = printer in the client pc.

how can i do it.

thnkas many thanks


* Alberto Garc=EDa S=E1nchez* Subdirector Inform=E1tica* = Autobar Spain, S.A.* Email:* Web: * Telef. +34 916787345 = _______________________________

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There is a printer extension example delivered within the samples of the =Reporting Service SDK, perhaps yo may have a look in here.
HTH, Jens S=FC=DFmeyer
<alf> schrieb im Newsbeitrag =news:ulGhNifQFHA.3888@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
I would like print directly from my application to default =printer in the client pc.
how can i do it.
thnkas many thanks
* Alberto Garc=EDa S=E1nchez
* Subdirector Inform=E1tica
* Autobar Spain, S.A.
* Email:
* Web: * Telef. +34 916787345 _______________________________
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There is a printer extension example delivered =within the samples of the Reporting Service SDK, perhaps yo may have a look in here.
HTH, Jens S=FC=DFmeyer
schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:ulGhNifQFHA.3888=@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
I would like print directly from my application to default =printer in the client pc.

how can i do it.

thnkas many thanks


* Alberto Garc=EDa S=E1nchez* Subdirector Inform=E1tica* =Autobar Spain, S.A.* Email:* Web:"> * Telef. +34 916787345 _______________________________

=________________________________________________________________=___________Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatarioy puede contener = informaci=F3n privilegiada o confidencial. Si no es vd. el destinatarioindicado, queda notificado de que la utilizaci=F3n, =divulgaci=F3n y/o copia sinautorizaci=F3n est=E1 prohibida en virtud de la =legislaci=F3n vigente. Si harecibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos =lo comuniqueinmediatamente por esta misma v=EDa y proceda a su destrucci=F3n. This message is intended exclusively for =its addressee and may containinformation that is CONFIDENTIAL and =protected by professional privilege.If you are not the intended recipient you =are hereby notified that anydissemination, copy or disclosure of this communication is strictlyprohibited by law. If this message has =been received in error, pleaseimmediately notify us via e-mail and =delete =it.__________________________________________________________________=_________

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If you are using URL integration then the new client side printing with =the next service pack (hopefully imminent) might do the trick for you.
-- Bruce Loehle-Conger MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
<alf> wrote in message news:ulGhNifQFHA.3888@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
I would like print directly from my application to default =printer in the client pc.
how can i do it.
thnkas many thanks
* Alberto Garc=EDa S=E1nchez
* Subdirector Inform=E1tica
* Autobar Spain, S.A.
* Email:
* Web: * Telef. +34 916787345 _______________________________
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If you are using URL integration then the new =client side printing with the next service pack (hopefully imminent) might do the =trick for you.
-- Bruce Loehle-Conger MVP SQL =Server Reporting Services
wrote in message news:ulGhNifQFHA.3888=@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
I would like print directly from my application to default =printer in the client pc.

how can i do it.

thnkas many thanks


* Alberto Garc=EDa S=E1nchez* Subdirector Inform=E1tica* =Autobar Spain, S.A.* Email:* Web:"> * Telef. +34 916787345 _______________________________

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<alf> wrote in message news:ulGhNifQFHA.3888@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
I would like print directly from my application to default =printer in the client pc.
how can i do it.
thnkas many thanks
* Alberto Garc=EDa S=E1nchez
* Subdirector Inform=E1tica
* Autobar Spain, S.A.
* Email:
* Web: * Telef. +34 916787345 _______________________________
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autorizaci=F3n est=E1 prohibida en virtud de la legislaci=F3n vigente. =Si ha
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wrote in message news:ulGhNifQFHA.3888=@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
I would like print directly from my application to default =printer in the client pc.

how can i do it.

thnkas many thanks


* Alberto Garc=EDa S=E1nchez* Subdirector Inform=E1tica* =Autobar Spain, S.A.* Email:* Web:"> * Telef. +34 916787345 _______________________________

=________________________________________________________________=___________Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatarioy puede contener = informaci=F3n privilegiada o confidencial. Si no es vd. el destinatarioindicado, queda notificado de que la utilizaci=F3n, =divulgaci=F3n y/o copia sinautorizaci=F3n est=E1 prohibida en virtud de la =legislaci=F3n vigente. Si harecibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos =lo comuniqueinmediatamente por esta misma v=EDa y proceda a su destrucci=F3n. This message is intended exclusively for =its addressee and may containinformation that is CONFIDENTIAL and =protected by professional privilege.If you are not the intended recipient you =are hereby notified that anydissemination, copy or disclosure of this communication is strictlyprohibited by law. If this message has =been received in error, pleaseimmediately notify us via e-mail and =delete =it.__________________________________________________________________=_________
