Monday, March 12, 2012

primary filegroup is full?

I'm trying to use DTS to import a text file into a table and I get an error
saying that space cannot be allocated for the file because the primary
filegroup is full.
Any ideas how to extend the primary filegroup?
It looks like during the DTS's execution an autogrow feature kicks in and
it takes some time
Check it out if you have enough available space and try to import the data
with small tranasctions.
"Rafael Chemtob" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use DTS to import a text file into a table and I get an
> saying that space cannot be allocated for the file because the primary
> filegroup is full.
> Any ideas how to extend the primary filegroup?
> thanks
>|||Yes I hit the same deal a few years ago try to shrink the files and the
tran log in that does not work then you need more hard disk space. aka
another disk drive or nas
*** Sent via Developersdex ***|||Hi,
Looks like any one of the below 3 reasons had created this error:-
1. You have restricted the file growth
2. Transaction log (LDF) has gone high due to DTS
3. Not enough room in hard disk
The solutions for each of the above problems are:-
1. Remove the restricted growth and monitor the growth while DTS
2. Take Transaction log backup and shrink the LDF file. See Backup LOG and
DBCC SHRINKFILE commands in books online. After shrink start the
3. Add a new file (NDF) and put it in a hard disk drive where u have more
space and start DTS
SQL Server MVP
"Rafael Chemtob" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use DTS to import a text file into a table and I get an
> error
> saying that space cannot be allocated for the file because the primary
> filegroup is full.
> Any ideas how to extend the primary filegroup?
> thanks

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