Monday, March 26, 2012

Primary keys lost after DTS

after performing export/dts from our database server to our hosting server,
the primary keys of each table in the destination server are lost. using the
dts wizard, i use the third option (copy database objects and data) and i di
make sure that the copy primary and foreign keys option is on. Can anyone
tell me how to solve the problem?
BTW, i did experience an error during the DTS process. "SetUser permission
denied." but still all database objects were transfered including the
contents except the primary keys. Does it had something to do with the
database account im using to connect to the server, which i think is limited
?In my own view is most clear generate scripts for each kind object (tables,
sp) and then PASTE into QA window and run them.
-Create the intended scripts and create the tables
-Transfer all the data(it's causing errors because of the table dependencies
but no problem at all, retry again all those ended in error)
current location: alicante (es)
"ads" wrote:
> after performing export/dts from our database server to our hosting server
> the primary keys of each table in the destination server are lost. using t
> dts wizard, i use the third option (copy database objects and data) and i
> make sure that the copy primary and foreign keys option is on. Can anyone
> tell me how to solve the problem?
> BTW, i did experience an error during the DTS process. "SetUser permission
> denied." but still all database objects were transfered including the
> contents except the primary keys. Does it had something to do with the
> database account im using to connect to the server, which i think is limited?[/col

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